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Color Systems for Solid Colors - Which Method is the Best?

A loaded question with not one answer!

Color control has historically been done by visual inspection of samples and comparison to a standard with the disadvantages of being subjective. For more objectivity, the internationally agreed upon CIELAB system is used since 1976. Meanwhile, several modifications of the CIELAB color equation like ΔE2000 were introduced for solid colors. For effect colors, the development even goes one step further with the introduction of the ΔE DIN6175. The goal of all modifications was to improve the correlation between visual perception and instrumentally measured values.

Attend the BYK-Gardner WEBseminar to learn more!


  • Espace colorimétrique CIELAB
    • Quelle est la signification du ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*, ΔC*, ΔH*?
    • ΔE*: Un indice unique peut-il être utiliser pour toutes les couleurs?
  • Comment améliorer la corrélation visuelle avec les méthodes de différence d’une couleur pondérée?
  • Méthodes de différences de couleur pondérée pour les couleurs opaques: CIEDE2000
  • Méthodes de différences de couleur pondérée pour les couleurs métalliques et à effets: ΔEDIN 6175


  • Deutsch: 12. Juni 2024, 10:00 (MESZ)
  • English - EU: June 12, 2024, 15:00 (CEST), 14:00 (GMT)
  • English - Asia: June 13, 2024, 15:00 (Hong Kong)
  • English - US: June 13, 2024, 10:00 am (EST)
  • Italiano: 18 giugno 2024, h 14.00 (Milano)


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