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Fischer Calibration Standards

Codice art. 7100

Spessore standard, 0.50 mil/12.7 µm
Spessori standard di calibrazione

  • Precision Plastic Shim (Mylar Calibration Standards)
  • 1.5” x 1.5” (38 x 38 mm)
  • 0.50 mils / 12.7 µm Nominal Value

Scegli il tuo modello

$77.00 €92.00 escl. tasse e spedizione


  • These plastic shims aid in the calibration of thickness gages on ferrous or non-ferrous metallic substrates. Plastic shims can be used to calibrate on the actual test substrate.

  • The Fischer Calibration Shims, Foils and Standards are used for the correct measurement of coatings with Coating Thickness Gauges

  • Both mils and microns are stated on the foils, shims and standards

  • All foils, shims and standards are certified, serialized, and traceable to NIST or BAM

  • All ranges are approximate and will be as close as possible to your defined thickness

  • ISO 17025 Certification available

Technical Attributes

    Technical Specifications

  • Full Scale Calibration Range Mils/ µm
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